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Clearing Browser Cache


Sometimes a page might give you an error yet the server is ok. This could be your browser cache. It may need to be manually cleared. Here is how to go about that process.

It may be that the page is still in your web browser cache.

Select your settings/tools menu and clear your browser history.

For Google Chrome see this link:

For Microsoft Edge see this link:

If you have a different browser just google "clear cache for (YOUR BROWSER)"

This should resolve the issue.

If the above fails try the following:

Windows DNS cache

Additionally, it could be the DNS cache in windows.

To flush the DNS cache in Windows 10 please follow these steps:

1. Right Click on the Start Icon.

2. Click on Command Prompt.

3. The Windows Command Prompt Window will appear. Type in: ipconfig /flushdns. and press ENTER.

4. You should receive the following message: Windows IP Configuration. 

Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

This should resolve any issues. If the problem persists, please advise our help team.

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Article details
Article ID: 13
Category: Web sites, browsing and access
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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