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How to add Sponsor Messages to the Loop


To add a sponsor message first upload the MP3 or WAV file to \music\sponsorship.

Follow these steps:

1. Open Station Playlist EDITOR (the blue icon on the bottom taskbar) Do NOT touch the GREEN icon.

2. When the edtor opens you will see a list that includes SPOT GROUPS. Select/open it.

3. In Spot Groups open the required option EG: PREMIUM GROUP A.

4. Click ADD FILES.

5. Seacrh for the file you previously uploaded.

6. Select the file.

7. Click OK.

8. Close the dialogue box.

9. In the main list select GENERAL options.

10. Select the date and time you want the playlist to reload (usually as quickly as possible).

11. Click SAVE ALL at the top.



You can use the playlist editor to check the file has been inserted AFTER the relaaod time. See Playlist Editor article to find out how to use this function.

NOTE: Premium Groups should only have 3 messgaes in each group before starting a new group. This is to set messages at 8 per day 8 x 3 = 24 hours. Basic groups can have 6 per group to allow only 4 messgaes per day. 4 x 6 = 24 hours.

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Article ID: 16
Category: Loop Computer
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