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No Audio transmission


If everything is powered up and there is still no audio transmission you can do the following checks....

1. Make sure the desk is powered up and the appropriate volume control is up and channel switched ON.

2. Is there modulation being seen on the Audio Processor (the second unit down from the top on the rack)? If yes the Audio Processor is working.

3. Is there modulation on the Link Transmitter (top unit)? If yes the problem is not at the studio. Call the Station Technician.


4. If there is no modulation on the Link Transmitter then the Audio Processor may have crashed. Reach around behind the Audio Processor and pull out the mains plug. Wait 10 seconds and plug back in. This should restore the issue.

If any other situation exists that is not listed above. DO NOT FIDDLE with the units, call the station technician.

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Article ID: 22
Category: Studio Technical
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